
Strawberry Desserts

Strawberry Desserts – Deliciously Unique Recipes

Most of us enjoy desserts several times a week, so why add strawberries for some added health benefits. Yes, the nutrient content of strawberries still matters (and benefits us) even if it’s part of a sweet strawberry shortcake!

Check out some of the tastiest strawberry dessert recipes found online.
Most of the desserts are simple to make, others may require a little more time and effort, but the results will always be worth it.

Something Traditional

Check out our classic recipes like strawberry pies & cakes, strawberry ice cream and other frozen desserts, and, of course, strawberry shortcake. As you browse through these recipes, you’ll find classic desserts that are next to impossible to ignore.

Or, if you search a little further, you might find some incredibly new and amazing twists on those recipes that are bound to be the new classics. For example, gluten free or vegan strawberry desserts.

Something a Little Different

Not in the mood for traditional pastries? Okay. How about strawberry dessert tacos? A dessert pizza? Ever tried a strawberry and Nutella Crostini?

Strawberries are so versatile that they open up a whole range of possibilities for new and unique desserts.

From strawberry crepes and muffins to tarts and ice cream, the possibilities are very nearly endless.

Stick to Quality Ingredients

The best desserts require the best strawberries, so make sure that you know how to select strawberries and properly store them, and your desserts will inevitably be the most memorable part of the meal.

Try out some of these strawberry recipes today and discover something healthy and delicious.